A Generation Is Depending On Us

Thank you to our wonderful 75th Chapter Anniversary Gala sponsors

Bro. Tirrell Carter
Bro. Perrell Bess
Bro. Edison McCrea
Bro. Trystan McNeill
Bro. Joseph Rambert
Bro. Michael A. Brandly
Bro. Duvane Dorsey
Bro. Anthony L. Griffin, Sr.
Bro. Dr. John Reaves
The Sigmas of Charlotte Foundation is a federally recognized 501(c) 3 organization promoting excellence in the Charlotte community by unlocking the potential of men of color and disadvantaged citizens through social, economic, and educational development.
Sigmas of Charlotte Foundation - Current Initiatives

Addressing the Impact of Chronic Homelessness
Partnering with government and civic agencies to combat chronicle homelessness in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County.

Summer Reading and Enrichment Program
Each summer thousands of Charlotte-Mecklenburg school kids fall behind in basic comprehension and reading.

Examining Wealth Gaps in Communities of Color
Targeting the key factors perpetuating the wealth gap between females and people of color and other communities.